The Great Commission
The following day on Friday, April 26 at 8:58 p.m., 3 hours and 19 minutes (199 mins) after sunset, God brought the town of Capernaum in Galilee, Israel to mind, and I was led to August 14, 2024 as the date to visit it – 3 months and 19 days away. Amazingly, the length of time it was after sunset matched the exact time in months and days it was away until my visit to Capernaum! (3 hours, 19 minutes / 3 months, 19 days). I didn’t actually discover that until starting to write this paragraph the following day! So, yet again, that was just another way that God proved that He was the inspiration behind this visit, and it didn’t just come from my head! Capernaum was the location next to the Sea of Galilee where Jesus lived and performed many of His miracles in the surrounding area during His ministry. He also famously condemned it for not repenting, despite the many miracles performed there (Matthew 11:23 & Luke 10:15). This visit was inspired in the 3rd hour of the Jewish night, and as...