
Help Me Finish My Book!

As you may know, I have been working on the third edition of my book, "Proving God with Numbers" for nearly six years now, since April 13, 2019. The book has grown to nearly 700 pages and over 250,000 words since then! In that time I have become homeless, and started living between my car and tent since July 12, 2023. That was not my intention - it just happened that way! In the last month, since January 3, I have been living in my tent in the bush beside the road, and relying on food parcels to get by! The problem is this. God is not allowing me to get a job or sign up for the unemployment benefit at the moment while I am writing my book, and hence I have no income. The reason being, it appears He wants me to concentrate on my book exclusively and full-time at the expense of nearly everything else! It is He who inspired the book, and He who is providing the content for it ever since. Thus, I am not able to do anything other than that which God allows. It may seem illogical a...

40 Days

On October 16, one week after this trip was due to begin, I made an interesting observation with regards to the length of this trip. As of October 16, the trip was due to last 38 days from October 9 to November 16. As it happens, this trip was due to begin exactly 40 days and nights prior to the 17th of Cheshvan in the Hebrew calendar, which, according to commonly accepted Jewish tradition, is the day that Noah’s Flood began with 40 days and 40 nights of rain! The 17th of Cheshvan corresponds with November 18 in the Gregorian calendar in 2024. This is an interesting observation in light of the other references to the number 40 that God worked into this trip. (It was inspired on the first day of Lent – the 40-day fasting period prior to Easter Sunday, not counting the Sundays; and both trips to Jerusalem and Israel that were inspired on Ash Wednesday were inspired exactly 40 visits apart – the 11th and 51st). This visit to Israel would cover the 51st anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, e...

The Number 17

Here are some discoveries that I made with regards to the most recent trip to Israel that God inspired. They revolve around the number 17. Here is what I found: The trip begins on the 17th of Tammuz (Fast of Tammuz marking the breach of Jerusalem’s walls by the Romans in 70 A.D., prior to the destruction of the 2nd Temple) The trip ends on the 17th of Elul, exactly two Hebrew months later (The anniversary of the start of WWII in 1939 – (Sep 1) The first and last destinations on the trip were inspired exactly 17 weeks apart (Taupo & Tutukaka) There are 17 days between the first and second destinations on the trip The first visit to Israel is to last 17 days (Aug 11–28) The Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth was inspired on the 17th of Nisan (a potential resurrection date of Jesus), and was due to occur on August 17th The first and last inspired visits to Jerusalem were inspired exactly 17 weeks apart in the ...

The Great Commission

The following day on Friday, April 26 at 8:58 p.m., 3 hours and 19 minutes (199 mins) after sunset, God brought the town of Capernaum in Galilee, Israel to mind, and I was led to August 14, 2024 as the date to visit it – 3 months and 19 days away. Amazingly, the length of time it was after sunset matched the exact time in months and days it was away until my visit to Capernaum! (3 hours, 19 minutes / 3 months, 19 days). I didn’t actually discover that until starting to write this paragraph the following day! So, yet again, that was just another way that God proved that He was the inspiration behind this visit, and it didn’t just come from my head! Capernaum was the location next to the Sea of Galilee where Jesus lived and performed many of His miracles in the surrounding area during His ministry. He also famously condemned it for not repenting, despite the many miracles performed there (Matthew 11:23 & Luke 10:15). This visit was inspired in the 3rd hour of the Jewish night, and as...

Hamas, the Third Jewish Temple, October 7 & the Red Heifer

On April 9 at 8:14 p.m., three days after God inspired my visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, He brought Auschwitz to mind for a 57th time, and I was led to August 28, 2024 as the date to visit it. That meant I would leave Israel that day, and visit Auschwitz that same day in Poland, leaving Israel on my 18th day. This visit to Auschwitz was inspired 2 hours and 9 minutes after sunset at 6:05 p.m., or at the start of the 3rd hour of the Jewish night. This was now the third visit to Auschwitz that God had inspired for this trip, being inspired exactly one Hebrew month since the first (2 Adar II – 2 Nisan, 5784). Interestingly, the first visit was inspired on March 12 at 1:29 p.m., and this visit was inspired on April 9, 129 minutes after sunset, echoing the time of the original visit, 28 days earlier! So, quite an unusual coincidence there, although I assume that was intentional on God’s behalf, to prove that He was behind it. It was inspired exactly four months to the d...

The Role of a Prophet

On April 5, 2024, I came to the conclusion that what God was doing through me in my book was essentially the work of a prophet. God has appointed prophets throughout the church in order to deliver a message to His people, both within and outside of the church. Those who believe, and those who don’t. The point is to edify the body of Christ, so that people are encouraged and exhorted to listen to God and do His will. We all need from time to time encouragement in our faith to stay true to God’s word and follow the right path. Without that direction or encouragement, we may lose faith and fall away from the correct path. It is in that vein that my book has been written, with direct messages from God that serve to not only prove His existence, but those of Jesus as the Messiah as well.  God has drawn upon many aspects of both Christianity and Judaism in order to prove His message, from both the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches. He has drawn extensively from Judaism in order ...

February 22, 2024

On February 22, God inspired me to book a hotel at Christchurch Airport, New Zealand, for March 27–28, 2024, just under five weeks away. February 22 happened to be exactly 13 years to the day since a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the city, killing 185 people and destroying thousands of houses and buildings. This struck me as rather odd that God should inspire me to book a trip to Christchurch on this day, as it is the first time that He has ever inspired a visit to Christchurch in this series of trips. To choose this day seemed more by design than coincidence! The earthquake occurred at 12:51 p.m. on February 22, 2011, which was interesting, because on the day that God inspired me to book this trip (February 22, 2024), we were in lunation number 1251 (using the Brown lunation system devised in 1923, 101 years earlier). Lunation number 1251 began with the super new moon on February 10, 2024, and would run until the new moon on March 10, about 29.5 days later – the approximate length o...

April–May 2049

On February 1, 2024 at about 7:53 p.m., as I was walking down the beach at Tahunanui in Nelson, New Zealand, I suddenly felt quite a strong spirit come into me, and it led me to ask God to give me more spirit and power to do more good. About 18 minutes later at 8:11 p.m. – 37 minutes before sunset, God brought the city of Krakow in Poland to mind, and I was led to April 3–5, 2049 as the dates to visit it. I immediately recognised these dates as the potential crucifixion and resurrection dates of Jesus in 33 A.D. Krakow is located about 70 km (44 miles) east of Auschwitz, and this is where I would stay if I were to be visiting Auschwitz. God did not inspire a visit to Auschwitz at this stage, but if He were to add one, I would assume it would be on the 4th of April, midway between my arrival and departure dates in Krakow. Nevertheless, that was not a given, and God could choose any of the three days (or more than one) in which to inspire a visit to Auschwitz. Almost immediately after Go...